Print Preview

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Print Preview

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This File menu command displays a preview of your document as it will appear when printed. A dialog box allows you to change the scale of your printout. If the printout will be more than a single sheet of paper, you can either click Fit to Page to shrink the document to a single sheet, or you can view the different sheets to decide which pages to print.


Use the arrows to view the different pages in a large printout.

Use the magnifying glass tools to zoom in and out.

Click Fit to Page to make the printout fit on a single page.

Use Scale to set a specific scale for the printout.

Check Print Large Plots to print more of the area of very large loci and of function plots like the one shown above. (This may result in many pages being printed.) Leave it unchecked to print only the central area of interest of such objects.


Click Actual Size, Fit to Page, or Custom Page Scale to determine the scale. (If you choose Custom Page Scale, a rectangle appears to represent the printed page. You can resize the rectangle by dragging one of its corners, and you can reposition the rectangle by dragging it.)

If you choose Custom Page Scale, a rectangle appears that represents the content area that will appear on a single page when you choose Print. You can resize the preview rectangle by dragging one of its corners, and you can reposition it by dragging its center.

Check Print All Large Plots to print more of the area of very large loci and of function plots like the one shown above. (This may result in many pages being printed.) Leave it unchecked to print only the central area of interest of such objects.


Once you've chosen your desired printing options, choose Print to print the actual sketch page or pages.